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Yes, indeed you can. You can also get it from other environmental factors, and it can be hereditary. There are many people who get lung cancer now for what seems to be no understandable reason at all.

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9y ago

Secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 22,700-69,600 Heart disease deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each year.

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Q: Can you get lung cancer from second hand smoke?
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Why should not smoke around Small children or babies?

They could get lung cancer by second hand smoke or even worse die.They could get lung cancer by second hand smoke or even worse die.

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If the pollution in the air is cigarette smoke you can develope lung cancer. Second hand smoke is dangerous.

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The majority of people who get Lung Cancer according to some studies, is smoking. There are other ways to get Lung Cancer like second hand smoke, radon gas and Asbestos.

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yes its possible by second hand smoke

Can people die from just breathing in smoke?

Yes because if you breathe in smoke when someone is smoking cigarettes, you are taking in second hand smoking, and the smoke will go in your lung, and can kill you with lung cancer or something.

Tobacco smoke increase the risk of lung cancer but only if directly inhaled not second-handed true or false?

False, second-hand smoke is considered just as damaging.

What year did the surgeon general and the national research council linked second hand smoke to lung cancer?

The answer, I believe is 1972

What are some of the health risks as a result of breathing in second hand smoke?

Breathing in second hand smoke can lead to respiratory problems especially for young children. In extreme cases it can lead to heart disease or lung cancer.

How is cigarette smoking bad for you and others around you?

Smoking and second hand smoke have been linked to lung cancer and heart disease.

Why do you have lung cancer when you smoke?

There are many causes of lung cancer. The most common one is smoking. However, it can be caused by second hand smoke or severe pollution as well. Tobacco use is responsible for about 90% of lung cancer patients. You can also get it from asbestos poisoning or lung disease like tuberculosis.

How does second hand smoke affect people?

Second hand smoke people in different ways, if they are around a person that smokes everyday then that isn't good because believe it or not people that inhale second hand smoke can also die or get lung cancer. Also if you second hand smoke you can still have tar in your lungs but not as much as a regular smoker has. Hope that helped!! :) :)

What are the causes of lung cancer other than smoking?

2nd hand smoke