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Q: Can you get free prescriptions if you're pregnant?
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Does youre stomach still go in and out when you breathe if youre pregnant?

Yes. You still breathe normally while pregnant.

Could i be pregnant i have sore heavy breasts headachs back ach cramps feel very tired i came on my period 2 days early an it is different to my last one it is very light i feel i have a temperature.?

when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant.

Do you count the weekends when youre pregnant?


Can you be pregnant if youre spotting and cramping?


Can you have period pain if your pregnant?

yes. you can even have your period while youre pregnant

What does GF mean used in prescriptions?

Gluten Free

Are prescriptions free everywhere in the UK?

No. Prescriptions are free for people under 21, over 60 and the chronically ill. Everyone else has to pay (a subsidised amount) per item.

What if you miss youre period?

You might be pregnant or just have a long discharge

You had your a small place in your tubes took out and your periods have not been normal since then you just had your period just about 2 weeks ago and now you are bleeding again could you be pregnant?

if youre bleeding youre not pregnant

What does the blue line mean on an rite aid early pregnancy test?

it means that youre pregnant. no line is "not pregnant"

If women are pregnant for 9 months why is it 40 weeks?

because youre pregnant for the full 9 months which equals to 40wks

What if not stressing just cant stop eating is that pregnant?

it means youre a cow.