You can't get disability for a solitary kidney without any other condition.
The ICD-9 code for solitary kidney is 753.0. This code is used to denote the presence of a single kidney in a person, either due to a congenital absence of one kidney or the surgical removal of a kidney.
No. Kidney stones can be quite easily cured by simply visiting the doctor and having the right treatment; they are not a disability in any way more than having a cold is.
Yes it is... It is not life threatening but you will have long term illness continuously throughout your life. Or as the State Disability department says you are ill longer than a 12 month period and unknown when he/she will be well again.
those with disability benefits2) those with permanent kidney failure3) those 65 and over
Chronic kidney disease can be considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) if it substantially limits one or more major life activities. The impact of the disease on an individual's ability to perform tasks may vary depending on the stage and severity of the condition. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or legal expert for a specific evaluation of disability status.
You keep it the same. There are solitary people. There is a solitary person.
They are solitary.
Don't think so as a worker must be able to work to collect unemployment benifits.