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You can get chlamydia from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; from sharing sex toys; or from genital-genital contact. In addition, a baby can get chlamydia during birth to a woman who is infected. If none of these applies to you, you won't get chlamydia.

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14y ago

It would be almost impossible to have chlamydia without some kind of sexual contact (anal, oral, vaginal). You could have had it for some time (even years) without knowing from a prior sexual contact; but it would have been from a sexual contact.

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10y ago

You can get chlamydia from oral, anal, and vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to an infected woman.

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How often does chlamydia infect sexually active women?

Chlamydia is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted disease in the United States.

What is the pressure to be sexually active?

there is no pressure you do it when youre ready if youre asking if it hurts yes but if i were you i wuld wait.

Can a woman get chlamydia even if not sexually active?

if her mother was a carrier of the bacteria then she'll also have it.

Is the rate of chlamydia increasing or decreasing?

The rate of reported chlamydia is increasing, most likely due to increased screening of asymptomatic sexually active patients.

How many females under 18 have chlamydia?

The CDC estimates that 6.8% of sexually active females age 14 to 19 have chlamydia. (see related link).

What is chyamydia?

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It can infect both men and women and is often symptomless, making it important to get tested regularly if sexually active. If left untreated, chlamydia can lead to serious health complications. Treatment typically involves antibiotics.

What is the most common curable STD in young sexually active women?

Chlamydia is the most common curable sexually transmitted infection (STI) in young sexually active women. It can be easily treated with antibiotics if diagnosed promptly. Regular screening and practicing safe sex can help prevent the spread of chlamydia.

Can gay men get chlamydia?

Anyone who is sexually active can acquire chlamydia. This is why it's important to talk to your sexual partner about their sexual history, if they've been tested, and ALWAYS use protection.

Can you get chlamydia from a parakeet?

Birds don't get or transmit chlamydia trachomatis, the germ that causes the sexually transmitted infection. Birds may transmit chlamydia psittaci, which is not sexually transmitted.

What does sore and itchy vagina means i am having some clear discharge but it doesn't smell and i am sexually active?

it could be chlamydia, or another type of infection

What is the prevalence of chlamydia?

Chlamydia is the most frequently reported bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the United States. In 2011, 1,412,791 cases of chlamydia were reported to CDC from 50 states and the District of Columbia, but an estimated 2.86 million infections occur annually. A large number of cases are not reported because most people with chlamydia do not have symptoms and do not seek testing. Chlamydia is most common among young people. It is estimated that 1 in 15 sexually active females aged 14-19 years has chlamydia.

What is chlamydia's classification?

Chlamydia's classification is a bacterial infection, known as a sexually transmitted disease.