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You can but only if its a really hard hit... The symptoms would be blurred vision, nausea, extreme pain in the head and slurred speaking

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Q: Can you get brainage bleeding from hitting your head?
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What do doctors check for when you hit your head hard?

They check your eyes and balance levels. They usually schedule an MRI to check for internal bleeding and if you black out from hitting your head, it is almost 100% sure that you got a concussion.

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Because they hit him on his head.

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No, hitting your head with your pillow while you're sleeping has absolutely nothing at all to do with autism and there's no reason to think that it does. If you're hitting your head with your pillow in your sleep this is fairly normal.

Can hitting your head make you sick?

Yes, it definitely can. If you feel sick after hitting your head, you should see a doctor.

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Is it normal to have parts of your head feel numb after hitting your head really bad?

Right after hitting your head, yes. But it should only feel like that for a small amount of time. If it continues, GET TO A DOCTOR

In Tom Sawyer what did Aunt Polly commonly punish Tom by hitting his head with?

Aunt Polly commonly punished Tom by hitting his head with a thimble.