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The brain and lungs continually use an O2-CO2 feedback mechanism. High CO2 in the body triggers us to breathe. High CO2 in the air, however, eventually cause us to stop breathing after period of deceased oxygen. This causes brain damage and can cause organ damage.

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Q: Can you get brain damage from high levels of co2?
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How does the brain detect high co2 levels?

The brain detects high CO2 levels in the blood through specialized chemoreceptors called central chemoreceptors, located in the medulla oblongata. These receptors are sensitive to changes in the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid caused by high levels of CO2, triggering an increase in ventilation to remove excess CO2 from the body.

Does the breathing control center in the brain monitor the rising CO2 levels in the blood?

Quite so. The brain stem detects high levels of carbon dioxide and triggers breathing.

Can high Co2 levels cause a stroke?

yes and strock can cause high co2

What gas does your brain monitor to keep you in homeostasis?

The brain monitors carbon dioxide levels in the blood in order to maintain homeostasis. High levels of carbon dioxide can signal the brain to increase breathing rate to expel the excess CO2 and restore balance.

What are the symptoms of high CO2 levels?

Symptoms of high CO2 levels, known as hypercapnia, can include headaches, dizziness, confusion, shortness of breath, and in severe cases, seizures or loss of consciousness. It can be caused by conditions like lung disease, respiratory failure, or certain medications. Immediate medical attention is needed if someone is experiencing symptoms of high CO2 levels.

How does the brain control breathing?

there's a part of this brain called the respiratory system and if i am not mistaken it is located in a part of the brain called pons and the medulla oblongata. the brain controls the rate of breathing by monitoring the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. CO2 by the way is the main stimulus for breathing. without it, you just stop breathing at all (so CO2 is not at all that bad). anyway, when CO2 levels in the blood is high a condition known as respiratory acidosis develops. as a compensatory mechanism the brain causes us to hyperventilate to get rid of that extra CO2. when the CO2 level is low on the other hand, respiratory alkalosis develops. as a result the brain will cause us to hypoventilate which allows for the accumulation of CO2 in the blood. CO2 is maintained at a normal range which is 35 - 45 mmHg.

What has the greatest stimulating effect on the respiratory center in the brain a oxygen b carbon dioxide c calcium d will power?

Carbon dioxide has the greatest stimulating effect on the respiratory center in the brain. High levels of carbon dioxide in the blood trigger an increase in breathing rate to help eliminate excess CO2 and maintain proper blood pH levels. Oxygen levels also play a role in respiratory regulation but to a lesser extent than carbon dioxide.

Is CO2 poisonous?

At high concentrations, carbon dioxide (CO2) can be harmful and even deadly. Inhalation of high levels of CO2 can cause symptoms like dizziness, headache, confusion, rapid breathing, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness and death. It's important to ensure proper ventilation in enclosed spaces to avoid dangerous levels of CO2.

How long is the earth going to last if your CO2 levels stay the same?

If current CO2 levels continue to rise, it will lead to increased global temperatures and more extreme weather events. The long-term impacts are difficult to predict precisely, but scientists warn that prolonged high CO2 levels could result in irreversible damage to ecosystems and potentially threaten the future habitability of our planet.

What are normal co2 levels in the body?

What are normal CO2 levels in the human bod

Explain what would happen to CO2 and nox if the co levels were high?

High CO levels can increase the formation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) through reactions with nitrogen in the atmosphere. This leads to increased NOx levels in the air. However, if CO concentrations are high enough, the combustion process in engines can be inefficient, leading to incomplete combustion and higher CO emissions.

What substance in the blood controls the rate of respiration?

Carbon dioxide levels in the blood are the main regulator of respiration rate. When CO2 levels increase, the body signals to breathe more rapidly to eliminate excess CO2 through exhalation. Conversely, when CO2 levels decrease, breathing slows down to retain more CO2 in the body.