That is when you usually catch cold, during cold weather. The body's metabolism is geared toward warmth and the immune system may be lower. At the same time, you are exposed to more airborne viruses because more people spend more time indoors, and because the air is not as frequently exchanged for outside air.
First go get a brain transplant, it seems crazy to want to make yourself sick with an infectious disease.
If you just HAVE to do it, then go to a public place and lick all the fingers of everyone there. Or, you could touch the nasal mucus from someone who has a cold and put that finger in your mouth, up your nose or in your eye.
Yes; the bomb was a double edged would end one war and prevent another one...the cold war (the cold war prevented a "hot" war). The US was already preparing for the "cold war" before WW2 even ended!
That presumes that you already have one. Take the one you have and divide it into the number. Voila! Another factor.
Yeah. You can get as many as you want..
maybe not
yes you can get more than one they are not legendary like mew and that lot...
Yes, as easy as it is for one human to transfer a common cold to another human. Our immune systems are similar.
There is a movie that he has completed called "Damage" to be released in the U.S. in 2010 It has already been released in Canada.
If the objects are brought into contact with one another, it's very likely that heat will flow from the hot object into the cold one, and that their respective temperatures will tend asymptotically toward the same value.
Yes it will minimize the symptoms
Nope, if you got sick already with a previous cold, the only thing you'll catch is a more severe cold if you still stay out in the cold.
Animals move from one place to another to avoid the cold weather or to find food or water
another word for cold is flu or sick :]