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You could probably catch crabs (pubic lice) from sharing a towel. Any other std requires a transfer of fluids. Unless you are using your towel for purposes other than drying yourself then, no, you are not going to catch a disease from sharing towels above athlete's foot or jock itch. And they are fungal and not sexually transmitted.

Or you could buy your own towel...
It is possible; but most STDs do not transfer via a towel.

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Q: Can you get an STD from sharing a towel?
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It would not be likely to catch the infection from a razor; but the infection can be on a washcloth or towel.It is not likely to get gonorrhea from a razor blade, but the bacteria can live outside the body for up to 2 hours. I would not share razors or towels with someone that has a STD.

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