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No. A hysterectomy is done for other reasons rather than family planning.

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11y ago

Yes. If there are reasons.Tubal ligation does not affect the need for hysterectomy such as fibroids endometrisi etc.

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Q: Can you get a hysterectomy after you've had your tubes tied?
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What is the surgery called when a woman gets her tubes tied?

the surgery that you are referring to is called a hysterectomy.

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I have had a partial hysterectomy and had my tubes tied and now I am pregnant what are the statistics

Does being sterilised stop your period?

A hysterectomy removes the womb where the blood gathers. So after a hysterectomy you get no more periods. But if you have had your tubes tied (tubal ligation) then you will continue to have periods.

Can you get pregnant if you've had your tubes tied and the Novasure procedure done?

yes there is still a chance if getting pregnant

What is a pan hysterectomy?

A pan hysterectomy is also known as total hysterectomy. It is a surgical procedure during which the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed.

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Can you have a miscarriage even though your tubes are tied?

What do you mean by Hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is removal of uterus. Total hysterectomy is removal of uterus and cervix. If fallopian tubes and ovaries removed as well this is a salpingo oopherectomy (bilateral = both- unilateral one). So a total hysterectomy with salpingo oopherectomy is the uterus,cervix,fallopian tubes and ovaries

Can you get your tubes tied with an IUD inserted?

Getting an IUD is not common if your tubes are tied.

What is the name of a family planing operation for women?

Depending on which operation - either tubal ligation, or a hysterectomy. In a tubal ligation - the fallopian tubes are tied - preventing eggs from reaching the womb (it is possible to have the procedure reversed). In a hysterectomy - the whole reproductive system is removed (rendering the female permanently sterile).

What is the difference of getting them tied verses burnt and clipped?

Tubes clipped - Fallopian tubes are clipped and it is reversible. Tubes cauterized (burned) - Tubes are burned (not reversible). Tubes tied - Doctors don't do this procedure that often, but it is what it is, your fallopian tubes are tied. (reversible but with difficulty and lower success rate)

How many guys have their tubes tied?

None. Women have their fallopian tubes tied when they no longer want to get pregnant.