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STDs are not transmitted from toilet seats. The viral and bacterial ones die on contact with the air, including HIV. You would also need a cut or sore on your butt for the bacteria or virus to get in. And really, if you saw a toilet seat covered in semen or blood would you sit down?

Also, crabs cannot be transmitted by toilet seats. They need hair to hang on to and not a smooth surface like a toilet seat.

Some infections can be transmitted by a toilet seat like e coli, salmonella, Hepatitis A, but again, you would need a way for those to inside you, and they prefer to travel by hands to mouth.

And, anyways, in a health perspective, toilet seats are one of the most sterile places in a restroom. Most bacteria can only live 1hour to 6 hours on a surfice like that anyway.

You can catch herpes from a toilet seat.

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Pearline Blick

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Hardware store, ask for round front toilet seat. If toilet seat is more oblong shaped, an elongated seat is needed. Home Depot or Lowes also will have seat.

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