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Maybe. A doctor can do a variety of tests, including urine tests, blood tests, and ultrasound. Sometimes a blood test will show a pregnancy that doesn't yet show up in a urine test.

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Q: Can you find out sooner if your pregnant by having a doctor do a pregnancy test?
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What should you do if you think that you are pregnant?

Definetly take a home pregnancy test or go see your doctor, the sooner the better because you can't take the risk of ignoring the pregnancy.

How do you know if you are pregnant after the night you think you got pregnant?

You can take a home pregnancy test a few weeks after that night to check for pregnancy hormones in your urine, or visit a doctor for a blood test to confirm pregnancy. Symptoms like missed periods, breast tenderness, nausea, and fatigue can also indicate pregnancy, but the only way to be sure is through testing.

How do you know if your pregnant if you dont take a pregnancy test?

Sooner or later you have a kid.

Can you feel your pregnant right away?

can you take a pregnancy test 9 days before your missed period and get the right answer? will it tell me if im pregnant

Can a doctor tell that you are a week and one day pregnant?

Yes sometimes with a blood test. A blood test could detect pregnancy as early as 7 days past ovulation but no sooner. This is the best way to find out early on if you are indeed pregnant or not.

If two home pregnancy tests are negative but you have puffy and darkening nipples fatigue and sickness should you get a blood test done and if so how soon?

If you suspect that you may be pregnant and are having these symptoms go to your doctor and ask them to have a blood test done sooner is better then later because if you are pregnant you can start your prenatal care to be sure that you have the healthiest pregnancy and best experience possible hope this helps, Good Luck and God Bless!

Did one pregnancy test was positive and then second came out negative?

Wait a few days and take another test. If you still aren't sure, go see a doctor. But odds are, if you got one positive, you're pregnant. It's very unlikely to get a positive and not be pregnant. It's more common to get a negative and be pregnant.

Will I test positive on a home pregnancy test sooner with my second pregnancy?

yes, because since this isn't your first. your body already knows that you are pregnant.

I don't usually ovulate but I am late this time should I test?

Yes. I always recommend testing over just waiting or being in denial. The sooner you test the sooner you know. If you are indeed pregnant, because you tested sooner you can get the prenatal care that you and your baby needs. If you are not pregnant, then that is a sooner relief for you if you are not expecting the pregnancy.

Can a person show at 5 weeks pregnant?

Yes, it depends on how skinny you are. The skinnier you are, most likely the sooner you will show. Also, if this is not your first pregnancy you will start showing sooner.

Your period will be here in 4 days is there any way you can find out im pregnant sooner?

You can take a Pregnancy test

How sooner can medicine cerophene makes pregnant?

It is possible to become pregnant within one month. Many couples who have difficulties with pregnancy can use this medication and become pregnant right away.