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Yes, unfortunately you can. Being stuck in such a (near) permanent relationship with someone you don't love is hard , on both of you, and is thoroughly depressing. The best advice that one can give is to consult a professional as they can determine whats wrong with the relationship and tell you how to go forward.

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Q: Can you feel depressed because you do not feel in love with your husband?
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Of course when someones depressed they feel feelings very strongly

I was with my Fiance for 7 years. It was the most perfect relationship but a month ago out of the blue he told me he was depressed and didn't feel the same anymore. Is he just depressed?

If he says he is then yes. If he gets treatment for his depression he may feel love again. People sometimes feel isolated while depressed and may not want to be around people or feel love for them.

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Yes. Humans can exist without love, however they will feel depressed and lonely.

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well how do you feel ? do you have kids? did you love him?did he love you? did he aplogize ? how did you find out?

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Yes they can. They can feel what we feel. Sadness, love, rage etc. Depression can also occur as in many other animals.

Is my husband depressed?

If you think that your husband is depressed then talk to him, tell him that you love him and that you will always be there for him, care for him, and love him. Some men wont open up about their feelings if you talk to them. Persuade him to go to see his GP who may be able to prescribe him anti-depressants, give him an alternative diet to follow, encourage him to go to see a councellor, or take up something creative or even just rest which should make him feel better. Your GP will know what can be done and hopefully if you take his advice then soon your husbands depression will ease and maybe even disappear.

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because theire depressed love Carly

Was romeo depressed because juliet didn't love him?

No, because Juliet did love him and he knew it. You are probably thinking of Rosaline, Juliet's cousin. At the beginning of the play, Romeo is acting all depressed because Rosaline is giving him the cold shoulder.

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This will depends on individual. There are some women, mostly married when they slept with another man because their husband is to busy, no time and not paying attention to her, might not tell their husband because of how it makes them feel. There are some that will talk to their husband or maybe boyfriend what she did just to give them lessons for not making them feel special and love.

Why do you feel like cheating on your husband of nine years?

b/c you love him but you aren"t IN LOVE with him