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you can. sperm lives inside for 3 days or so, so you definitely got a chance

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Q: Can you fall pregnant 1 week before ovulating?
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You took a pregnancy test 1 week after ovulating and it was negative sould you still be pregnant?

No, I don't think so, you shouldn't get pregnant whilst you are on your period.

Is it normal to pass gas a lot when you are only a week and a half pregnant?

yes it is!You will be very gassy for the whole time you are pregnant!!!I was with both my kids so you will have to get used to it!LOL ==How do you know? == How do you know you are pregnant 3 days before ovulating? Because that is when 1 and half weeks pregnant is. Even one and a half weeks after ovulating you would be unlikely to have a positive test. Having said that many pregnant women have gas/constipation/diarrhoea, but not all.

1 week before the period 1 week after the period is it safe period to avoid the pregnancy?

A week before, you are generally ovulating wich is when you have the HIGHEST chance of getting pregnant.. a week after is the safest but that dosent mean ANYTHING.. take the precautions necessary to avoid any kind of problems.. wich is not JUST pregnancy.. be safe! Cheers

Can a women get pregnant before week her period?

Typically no, a woman can't get pregnant a week before menstruation. Typically ovulation occurs two weeks before menstruation, at most there is only a viable egg present for 48 hours. It is possible for the luteal phase between ovulation and menstruation to be shorter, for example a week shorter and thus ovulating a week before menstruation, however such a short luteal phase wouldn't give the fertilized egg enough time to implant.

When do girls ouvlate?

I believe it is the week before your scheduled period. You can buy tests that will let you know if you are ovulating.

Can you pregnant after a week your period?

You can pregnant at anytime before after or during

Can you get pregnant if you have nevere had aperiod but are 12 years old?

You are too young to have sex at 12, it's not even legal. And yes, before you bleed in your period you ovulate so there is a risk you are ovulating without knowing it. Sperm can also live inside you for up to a week so a week before ovulation is not safe either.

Can you get pregnant if im on your 2nd month taking the pills and its my ovulating week should i use condom on that week even if im on the pills?

Yes you can still get pregnant if you are on the pill. I have a few friends who have gotten pregnant. You should always use a condom if you are not ready to bring a child in this world!

How bad is it to have unprotected sex a week after you are done with your period?

one week after you have stopped your period you are ovulating most likely to get pregnant. Not bad at all. That's the way babies come into the world.

When is a girl not ovulating?

A girl is usually ovulating two weeks before her period or a week before her period. So a week or two after it she's not ovulating,but with some girls they know when they ovulate by certain signs.

Is cramps a sign that ovulation is about to occur?

Yes. I get cramps a week before my period. It's whe you are ovulating.

Am you pregnant if you spot a week before your period?

If you have a period than you are not pregnant