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Firstly it will depend on why you are taking flecainide. If the reason or another condition precludes exercise the answer is clearly NO.

However if you are taking flecainide for a reason which does not preclude exercise then the answer is YES. Of course almost all heart conditions will benefit from appropriate exercise.

Using myself as an example - and there are others. I have atrial fibrillation and take flecainide 150mg as a "pill in pocket" (ie when I have episodes). My episodes generally last 4 to 20 hours, sometimes much longer. I have them 25% to 50% of the time and they started about 10 or so years ago.

I exercise fairly vigorously most days of the week but now limit the time to 25 to 45 minutes per session. I go kayaking for longer but this is much less intense. I jog, cycle do some weights and kayak. I generally feel much better for exercising.

I therefore take flec most days. I was on regime of taking 150mg flec morning and evening - to give a steady dose. I continued to exercise. I have found that for me taking flec as a "pill on pocket" works much better and I take less.

I will exercise when in AF. I take the flecainide shortly after a bout of AF starts. However I do not take when exercising, I wait till I have finished. Two reasons for this. Firstly most recommendation suggests rest after taking so the chance is it will not be as effective if taken when exercising, despite the idea that taking it as soon as possible is better. Secondly exercise can cause my pulse to revert to NSR though this is rare now that my exercise periods are shorter.
See my blog at
Endurance exercise is generally shown to be not helpful for AF.

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