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Whom ever replied to this question was indeed quite incorrect. In the Stat of Georgia you are considered a full adult at the age of 17. You are allowed to move out at the age of 17 however, if you wish to move back in with your parents, legally they must let you in until you turn the age of 18. So there is at least one state that allows you to move out without an emanciapation...I'm sure there are more. In every state a 17-year-old (who has not been emancipated in some manner) is considered to be a minor, and therefore under the control of their parents, which means Mom and Dad get to decide where you live.

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18y ago
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18y ago

If you meet your state's requirements for emancipation. As a general rule, you would be required to prove (among other things) that there is a legitimate reason that emancipation would be in your best interest, and that you are capable of *fully* supporting yourself and your child.

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13y ago

Pregnancy does no emancipate you. it's your age that that does that so if 17 is the legal age in your state , you are emancipated. Otherwise not.

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Q: Can you emancipate yourself if you're 17 and pregnant?
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Being pregnant does not emancipate you. You must be 18 or married.

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Yes, you're still a minor. Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor.

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No. Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor.

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No. Pregnancy does not emancipate a minor.

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No, you're not. Getting your girlfriend pregnant does not emancipate you.

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Being pregnant does not emancipate a minor. It does give them certain rights in regards to providing for the welfare of their child.

Is a 17-year-old living in Kentucky considered an adult if she has a child?

No. Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor.

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Being pregnant does not emancipate a minor. It does give them certain rights in regards to providing for the welfare of their child.

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Yes *** No. Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor. When you turn 18 you can move.

Im pregnant and 17 can you move out?

Depends on where you live but pregnancy does not emancipate you in any of the US states so probably not unless you have parental permission.