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You can get diseases. Untreated, some of these can be fatal. Others will just make you wish you were dead. Feces are, after all, concentrated human waste -- the stuff we eat that our body can't use. If you're into this, you need to proceed with great caution, and be prepared to tell a medical professional about it when you get sick. Considering your digestive system has E. Coli in it to break down the food, would you want E. Coli in your body?

It is not okay because there is bacteria that could kill you. That would most likely make you very sick and is not a very hygienic idea. Please do not eat human feces.

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9y ago
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7y ago

Not as a rule. Dogs regularly eat poop, for three reasons: they may get insufficient vitamin B in their regular diet, they may be getting too little food, and they may want to 'hide' their traces or those of a pack member (especially puppies) from possible predators. People very rarely eat poop, but although it's yukky, it's completely safe if it's your own: any bugs that poop may contain are already inside you. Eating somone else's may be a health risk if the other person has a typically 'poop-related' disease like typhoid fever. You might die by catching the illness and then doing nothing to cure it.

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9y ago

In a rare starvation situation, yes, you may be able to eat fecal matter to stay alive. However, it should be the first feces of a rather inefficient eater. Chickens, horses, rabbits and cows are among the animals that have more "nutritious" feces.

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15y ago

Yes, because the bacteria and germs in the poop would make you extremely ill, and i wouldn't consider eating it.

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10y ago

Eating feces (poop) can cause infections such as parasite infestation or sepsis. Either or these could, in fact, kill you.

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14y ago

It's waste that your body doesn't need and can be toxic to your body.

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12y ago

Why are you eating feces in the first place...

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