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Very soft foods. Jello, mashed potatoes, pudding, soup. Restrict your diet to soft, tolerable foods as your mouth will be very sensitive to hot/cold. Rinse with warm, salt water to keep the socket clean as well.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Crush up a baby aspirin and make a paste with clove oil (eugenol). Rinse out the socket well and put the paste in the socket. Make sure you see your dentist in case you have an infection, but this will help ease your pain until you can get there. You can get the clove oil at health food stores, or like me, in a Red Cross Toothace kit I bought at Walgreens. My dentist did this for my dry socket and within an hour I felt much better.

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10y ago

according to my surgeon, there were no restrictions. just dont eat or drink an hour after you get it treated

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Q: Can you eat after dry socket treatment?
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How soon can you eat after having a dry socket treatment?

Eating after treatment of a dry socket when a tooth was pulled, is usually a matter of comfort. Try not to eat anything like nuts, that will lodge in the socket. You may want to stick to liquids or puddings for a day, to allow the dry socket time to heal, and so you won't be biting on a painful surface.

What happens to an untreated dry socket?

An untreated dry socket can lead to infection.

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How often should clove oil be put on the dry socket?

Clove essential oil is a great solution for dry socket. It can help relieve the pain and discomfort. Clove oil is used in toothpastes and by dentists and is 100% natural. You can apply it by putting clove oil on a q-tip or cotton ball. Then apply the cotton to the dry socket, putting it in place for several moments. Don't apply the clove oil directly to the dry socket it could burn with over exposure. Cotton or q-tip will help you to not overdue it.

Can you get dry socket 7 days after a tooth extraction?

It is a bit unlikely to get dry socket 10 days after an extraction, but not impossible. Usually dry socket occurs 3-5 days after the extraction.

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Is dry socket created by cigarettes or weed?

Dry socket is created by the act of sucking so even if you suck too hard on a straw there is a chance you will get it.

Following a tooth extraction 11 days ago you can feel what appears to be part of the tooth in the socket and every time you eat or drink the socket is extremely painful is this OK?

If you still feel what may be part of your tooth left in the socket, that is not good. I would suggest seeing your dentist, or oral surgeon about this as part of your tooth may have broken in the process of the extraction. If there is no partial tooth remaining, you may have what is called dry socket, which is extremely painful. This website will explain "dry socket" to you:

Can cold weather affect dry socket?

I not sure if it does but I have dry socket and tge cold on my cheek hurts and feels like it isn't getting warm when insude

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