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im pretty sure that you can,

just dont eat solid foods.

i had one of mine extracted and the dentist

told me not to eat solid foods for 2 days.

it helps your gum heal faster or something.

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Q: Can you eat 2 days after your wisdom teeth pulled?
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Had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled July 26 2012 today is Saturday how long before you can eat real food again?

about 7 days later

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When can I eat solid foods again I had my wisdom teeth removed about 6 or 7 days ago. I'm feeling perfectly fine. And the only pain I feel is a little soreness.?

You can eat solid foods just a few days after wisdom teeth extraction. 6 days is enough time for the initial healing process. Food might get stuck in the holes where your wisdom teeth were, but you can rinse with water and salt to help clean them.

Why do you need wisdom teeth for?

to eat

What about hamburgers or hot dogs or salads when can you eat those things again after having all 4 wisdom teeth pulled?

first day i would eat soft cold foods. After that you can eat those foods but i would be careful with crunchy food like chips for at least another 3 days.

What can't I eat after having wisdom teeth removed?

You can eat after having your wisdom teeth removed, but you should eat food that aren't crunchy, such as mashed potatoes, pudding, and milkshakes.

What can you eat after teeth pulled?

applesause and smoothies

Can you eat before you have your wisdom teeth?

yes i believe

Im 17 and all 4 of my wisdom teeth were extracted 7.29.11. I am leaving for Germany in a week and I was wondering how long after getting wisdom teeth extracted can you eat solid foods?

You should be able to resume a normal diet after 7-10 days.

Can you eat limons after your wisdom teeth are extracted?

After wisdom teeth extraction it is important to avoid eating difficult to chew foods. Limons can be used, you can eat limon-flavored pudding, as it is not quite as sweet tasting.

Can you eat with a spoon after wisdom teeth removal?

Yes,I got em removed 2 days ago and I'm eating just fine with a spoon and fork