It is well known that caffeine doesnt make good to fetuses, so Ill say that: You should not drink strong teas while pregnant. Instead you can drink white tea or some green tea depending on the label.
I wouldn't recommend it, it has a lot of sugar.
Peppermint tea is better than black tea for pregnant woman to drink right after dinner.
Safety of this herb is not established in pregnancy. so as a rule of thumb, please keep away from this tea during pregnancy.
Is camomile tea safe to drink during pregnancy?
there seems to be some concern about the effects of caffeine in tea, however a few cups of tea per day should not pose any serious risk as the caffeine content of tea is low. After all just breathing the air while pregnant is not advisable in most major city's.
I don't see why not.
It is safe to drink, yes. But be care full not to drink a gallon or so a day, EVERYDAY for 9 months, for it may consequences.
It don't matter lol
You can safely eat/drink parsley when pregnant. No longer than 2-3 days