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Q: Can you drink ensure plus if you have diabetes?
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What does ensure plus drinks do drink ensure gain weight how much ensure plus do you need to drink in order to gain weight where do you get boost plus and ensure plus?

yes ensure plus and boost plus make you gain weight. It says it on the label "to help GAIN and maintain weight". I think that you have to drink 1 a day but if you really need to gain weight then you could drink 2. No harm done. And in about 2 weeks you could gain about 10 pounds :) you could buy them at the CVS by the medicine section they are only 8.99 but at Fiesta supermarket they are 7.99 they are cheaper :)

Can you drink ensure plus before you go to sleep?


Are there side effects to drinking Ensure?

I drink Ensure Plus, and get dizziness, stomach cramps, nausea. I am lactose intolerance.

How much Ensure Plus do you need to drink in order to gain weight?

If you drink one in the morning it will usually increase your appetite...thus you gain wait

Is there a dairy free ensure drink available?

If I cannot drink dairy products Is it safe for me drink Ensure

What does Ensure help you for?

diabetes, sugar levels, and health

Can diabetics drink the nutrient drink ensure?


How do you know if the rabbit has diabetes?

if they drink alot of water

Why does my boxer constantly drink water?

Check for diabetes

Why does Nick Jonas drink coke?

why not drink coke? And he drinks diet coke because of his diabetes

Why are you constantly dehydrated?

Have a check for diabetes drink enough water dont drink too much alcohol.

Can you gain weight with ensure plus?

if you use it as a meal replacement you will lose weight but if you drink it with every meal you will gain weight it's all about calories in - calories out get it !