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It's not a good idea. Lupus patients tend to have low white counts, low platelets, and suffer from anemia. Taking blood out makes this worse. If you are on chemo or biologics they won't want your blood anyway.

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Q: Can you donate blood with lupus?
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What is lupus ANTICUAGULATE?

Lupus anticoagulant is a blood clotting disorder that occurs in some lupus patients. Lupus anticoagulant causes blood clots. It is treated with blood thinners.

What is Lupus anti-coagulant?

Lupus anticoagulant is one a several blood clotting disorders that can affect lupus patients. Lupus anticoagulant causes the patient to make blood clots. It is treated with blood thinners.

Can lupus medication change blood type?

No, but a bone marrow transplant would change your blood type.

Is it possible for blood type to change if a person has lupus and forgets to take their medication?

Neither lupus nor lupus medication can change a person's blood type.

Can you donate blood while taking meloxicam?

Yes, you can donate blood while taking meloxicam. You cannot donate blood if you are taking antibiotics.

Can childrens also donate their blood?

Yes, they also have the right to donate their blood.

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What blood type can donate to everyone else?

Blood type AB can only donate to another AB type. Blood type O+ can be given to anyone, but a blood type like A or B or AB can only be donated to a person who has the same exact blood type as the person who is donating their blood.

How many quarts of blood do you give when you donate blood?

You donate roughly 1 quart when you donate blood.Edit 3/18/2013 20:19: The answer above is false. You donate a pint of blood (0.5 quarts).

What blood type should each kind should donate to and receive from?

Blood group A can donate and receive blood from blood group A. Blood group B can donate and receive blood from blood group B. Blood group AB can donate only to blood group AB and receive from any other blood group (they are universal recipent) Blood group O can donate to any other blood group ( they are universal donor) and can receive from only blood group O.

Where do you donate blood?

In blood banks. Just make sure you make reservations before you donate.

What kind of blood can you not donate?

You can't donate blood if you have HIV, or are taking medication or doing drugs.