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Q: Can you died if you popped your eye blood vessel?
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Dog has a popped eye and a popped blood vessel will he see again?

unfortunetly no because if eye has popped the he cant see and you cant replace a eye.

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How fast can you die from a popped blood vessel?

Bleeding all day. And you Wii have nothing to pump from the eye Bleeding

Can you pop a blood vessel in your eye by sneezing?

Hello :) Yes, you can cough, sneeze, bend over, or rub it and they can pop. It will get better and no need to see a doctor its just looks worse than it is. There is no way of healing the popped blood vessel as far as im aware of.

What is an eye vessel?

An eye vessel refers to a blood vessel that supplies oxygen and nutrients to the structures of the eye. If these vessels become dilated, they may lead to conditions like red eye or eye tumors.

Can vomiting cause popped eye vessel?

Vomiting can increase pressure in the face and head, which may potentially lead to a popped blood vessel in the eye due to the force exerted during the vomiting episode. However, this is not common and typically resolves on its own without long-term effects. If you are concerned about a popped eye vessel, it is best to consult with a medical professional for personalized advice.

What is treatment for blood blister on eye?

A doctor should prescribe treatment for a blood blister on the eye. This should never be popped or handled with dirty hands.

What if half your eye is bloodshot?

Sounds like maybe a broken blood vessel in eye

Can dogs pop a blood vessel in eye?

Yes, just as you and I.

Can a tennis ball pop an eye vessel?

Anything can pop your blood vessel if it is hard enough althlough unlikely unless you take it dead in your eye

Why do I have a black web in my eye?

Depends on where in the eye you mean. On the white: broken blood vessel. In the back of the eye: see a doctor.