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Its' caused by the brains inability to control the sleep/wake cycles. You often have it since childhood, but episodes can occur rarely and therefore very hard to diagnose. It comes from the lack of a neurotransmitter called hypocretin.

It can be caused from head trauma or loss of brain cells, stress and viruses. Narcolepsy would have to be diagnosed by a polysomnograph followed by a MSLT or Multiple Sleep Latency Test. MSTLs are performed during the day time.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Doctors believe that narcolepsy develops during teenage years in most people who have it. There is now a blood test that can be done to determine whether you are predisposed to have narcolepsy.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Insomnia can be caused by stress. If something in your life is bothering you, the problem could be seeping into your subconcious and not allowing you to reach "good sleep". Also, if you have been injured recently, you could be too sore to sleep. It can also be caused by medical conditions.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You really can't "prevent" narcolepsy. It has to derive from two sources however, one of them is genetics. The others could be an auto-immune disease, head trauma, pesticide poisoning, etc.

I would look at your family history, if someone in your family has been diagnosed with narcolepsy, or cataplexy you could develop it. I would also do a self analysis of your condition.

Are you constantly sleepy?

Do you fall asleep quickly while reading, watching television, riding or driving in a car?

Do you have trouble focusing and getting work done?

Those were some of my symptoms, I would wake up after sleeping 9 hours, be up and about for literally an hour and then would need to lay down again for a nap that sometimes lasted up to 6 hours. It was stressful.

Unfortunately there is no cure, but there are treatment options. I am on medication and it works like a dream!

If you think you have it, talk to your doctor about it, and schedule a sleep/day study stat!

Hope this helps!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

I have narcolepsy and i get sleep paralysis attacks all the time. It is caused by lucid dreaming and increased stress. I have anemic blood in which i lack iron. So i cant help it. It like demon souls are taking over you, you are conscious and awake, but you feel as if something is sitting on your chest or you cant wake up.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No. Narcolepsy is not contagious.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the chances of having narcolepsy is 1-2%

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Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) or Narcolepsy

Does narcolepsy generally take most of your energy?

Narcolepsy robs you of your energy. A study released at the annual conference for narcolepsy stated that a person without narcolepsy would have to stay awake for 32 hours straight to experience the same sensation of that of a person with narcolepsy who was awake for just 1 hour.

Is narcolepsy a parasomnia?

No, narcolepsy is a dyssomnia. It involves the timing, quantity, or quality of sleep.

When was Narcolepsy - song - created?

Narcolepsy - song - was created on 1997-04-08.

What are the demographics of narcolepsy?

40% of patients with narcolepsy have or have had another mental disorder. 18% of patients with narcolepsy are 10 years old or younger. It is estimated that 0.02-0.16% of the general population suffer from narcolepsy. Men and women are equally affected.

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Can you use narcolepsy in a sentence?

Because he had narcolepsy, Joe seemed to fall asleep at inopportune times.

Is Narcolepsy a disease?

In about 8-12% of cases, people diagnosed with narcolepsy know of other family members with similar symptoms. Most people with the condition have no family members with narcolepsy.

How does a genetic blood test diagnose narcolepsy?

A genetic blood test can reveal the existence of certain substances in people who have a tendency to develop narcolepsy. Positive test results suggest narcolepsy.

What is it called if when you fall asleep anywhere for no reason?

Narcolepsy is the disorder where you fall asleep anywhere at anytime.

What part of the brain causes narcolepsy?

A lack of the protein hypocretin in the hippocampus and lower thalamus is thought to be the location of the main cause of narcolepsy.

Does Prince Harry have narcolepsy?
