No. A cold has nothing to do with temperature, the common cold is a virus that has to enter your body and infect you. The fact that it is a virus that can rapidly mutate means it can't be prevented or cured until your body fights it off and makes antibodies against the virus. You can only get medicines to make the suffering from the symptoms easier.
No. For example, people in Alaska don't get more colds than people anywhere else. We do have more colds in winter than in summer, but not because of the cold (see more on why below). Cold weather conditions play no role except as mentioned below about absolute humidity levels in the winter. One of the expert scientists (Bill Nye) said that you can not catch a cold from being cold; you catch a cold from germs and being cold has nothing to do with it. Plenty of tests have been conducted proving this.
The old belief that freezing temperatures cause illness started before people knew about germs; however, it continues to be passed along to others as a legend today and is not an evidence based finding from studies - just based on anecdotes and incorrect associations.
It has been scientifically studied with double blind test groups and there was no difference found in the rate of infection with common cold viruses when the study groups were exposed to cold temperatures or heat via different methods. The results of those studies were peer reviewed. "No" has become the current most accepted answer to the question by scientists and medical professionals.
Then why do we get more colds and flu in winter and cold weather?
It had been long held that this was most probably due to school children returning to schools and people being in closer proximity indoors in winter where they could pass all their germs around more easily. One of the most commonly cited studies used as a basis for this hypothesis was the "Seattle Virus Watch", done by John Fox, Carrie Hall, and friends.
Another hypothesized explanation had been that our Vitamin D production is lower in winter due to less exposure of our skin to sunlight, and since Vitamin D improves the immune system's ability to fight off infections, our defenses are made weaker in winter with Vitamin D deficiency. Another commonly held belief was that in drier air our mucous tissues dry out and can crack, making the viruses more easily introduced to the body. Some combination of all these factors may be at play.
However, the most recent studies have all seemed to point more to the different absolute humidity levels in winter compared to those in summer. Cold and flu viruses like it dry. See the related question below, "Why does the flu have a season?" for more details about these recent findings.
Check out the discussion section for comments, anecdotes, and discussion.
It is often believed that colds and flu and other Infectious Diseases can be caused by cold weather, changes in temperatures, being wet outside, or having wet hair, etc. None of this is correct information.
People also often say that being cold affects your immune system so you are more susceptible to infections. This is also not correct. When this is discussed, it doesn't just mean feeling chilly or even getting "goosebumps" or shivering. Hypothermia can have negative effects on your entire body including the immune system, but just being cold is not hypothermia. When medical studies use that term, it is used to refer to a specific measurement of core body temperature.
Hypothermia is not the same as being cold, it is a specific medical diagnosis and:
The reason the disease is called a "cold" does come from the myth and misunderstandings from back when it was thought that upper respiratory viral infections were caused by cold since most often occurred in cold times of the year and when they had no clue about disease-producing microbes. We know that is incorrect now, but the popular name of the "common cold" has not changed to its more proper name: a Rhinovirus infection.
You can catch a cold by being next to someone with a cold. This is because cold and flu in infectious and is considered to be an airborne disease.
You catch snuffle from being sick most likely the cold.
A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.
Only the type of cold that you feel from low temperatures. You can not catch the infectious disease called the common cold from climbing mountains or from being cold. The common cold is caused by viruses that you catch from other people, it has nothing to do with cold weather. Check out the related questions in the related questions section for more about this long held belief/myth that you catch a cold from being in the cold. It is just a myth from before people knew about viruses.
A cold is a air born pathogen ... despite common misconceptions you can not catch it by simply being in cold weather ...
Getting sick from being cold is a old wives' tale. Being cold does lower your immune system's strength temporarily so if you are exposed to harmful bacteria or viruses soon after being cold you might get sick but, no, being cold does not cause a person to catch a cold.
Yes, you can catch a cold anywhere on Earth as long as a common cold virus is present to be introduced to your body. Location, weather, temperature, etc. do not prevent or cause transmission of rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and the over 200 other types of viruses that cause a cold. Being cold does not cause you to catch a cold and being warm does not prevent it. Follow good hand washing techniques wherever you are to help protect yourself from infection.
No. Despite the name a cold really has nothing to do with cold weather. A cold is a virus and can only be caught from pathogens. You wouldn't catch a cold even by being in a tanktop and shorts in winter in Canada. You'd start getting numb and probably sneeze, but that's not a cold.
No. Being cold or cold and wet, etc. does not cause a cold. See the related question for more detail.
Colds are typically caused by viruses, with the rhinovirus being the most common culprit. These viruses are usually spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus.
Yes, a person can catch cold in a desert if he/she is exposed to a cold virus.