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I had a dnc done today. The procedure doesn't cause any pain but it's so painful to hear that you are so lucky to have a baby but you want to get risk of it. I want my baby so bad, but I only had the luck to carry him/her for 2 months. Please I beg you to think again.

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Q: Can you can a DNC for an unplanned pregnancy?
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What is an unplanned pregnancy?


How the pregnancy will come?

It will come planned or unplanned.

What is the meaning of the term 'unplanned'?

"Unplanned" generally means "without though, accidental or unintentional." Examples of use are "Carol's was an unplanned pregnancy;" "Our meeting at the airport bar was quite unplanned;" "The group's removal to the third floor came off well despite being largely unplanned."

A major public health problem of American adolescents is?

unplanned pregnancy

A dnc at six month of pregnancy?

At 6 months of pregnancy, you cannot get an abortion. For a start, it is not legal. Secondly, the baby is too big.

Do all miscarraiges have to have a DnC?

It is generally recommended for miscarriages that occur after 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.

What are the disadvantages of dowry system?

The Dowry System leads to unplanned pregnancy.

Why DNC operatian is done?

To clean the womb after a miscarriage or to have an abortion in a pregnancy between 6-14 weeks.

Is it ok to have a DNC being four months pregnant?

NO! If you want to stay pregnant, you can't have a D and C during pregnancy.

You had a dnc due to molour pregnancy 6weeks ago im all of a sudden real sore in your privates what what could it be?

A dnc is when the SCRAPE the pregnancy matter from the uterus. Its rough on your uterus, and they have to go through your vagina and cervix to get to it. Soreness is normal, but watch your discharge. If it become foul smelling or changes color, then call your doctor immediately!

What has the author Ann Furedi written?

Ann Furedi has written: 'Womens Health Guide' 'Unplanned pregnancy' -- subject(s): Abortion, Adoption, Decision making, Motherhood, Pregnancy, Unwanted, Unwanted Pregnancy

What is better medication to abort a pregnancy or miscarriage or a DNC?

You can get a servcice scholarship by contacting the college you will be attending. Not all schools approve this scholarship.