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yes, if your body twists wrong as you spin.

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Q: Can you break your neck if you do a head spin?
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How do you make your neck lighter?

spin your head around a lot

Why do the head and neck never get injured?

They do get injured. You can break your neck, fracture bones in your neck, click your neck etc. You can have head injuries from car crashes or everyday accidents.

What is the headspin?

To do a headspin, a break dancer does a head stand, then he or she will spin on his or her head.*See links for pictures.

What happens when you don't support an infant's head?

Their head snaps off. Not literally. But most likely their neck will break because they're neck doesnt have enough muscles to support the weight of their head

How would a newborn baby break it's neck?

step on its chest and twist its head as hard as possible

How do you whip your hair like Willow Smith?

You get extentions in and then move your head in circles but try not to break your neck

Can a brontosaurus spin his head in a circle?

Sauropods' necks were not as flexible as they are usually portrayed in television. Sauropods could move their neck and head from side to side or somewhat up and down, but they definitely couldn't rotate their head around or turn their neck into a U-shape in order to look over their shoulder.

How did Andre the giant break his neck?

Andre did not break his neck

Can you break your head or just crack it?

I think breaking your head is like cracking your head. If you mean breaking your neck, that's attached to your head than yes you can. Don't forget the I in RICE (ice)! :0)

Can you break your neck doing a rolly-poly?

Break seems unlikely but certainly sprains are common. This results from putting the top of ones head down on the floor so the weight of the body is supported by the neck, which is also likely to be bent back. The correct way to do a forward roll is to put the back of the head on the floor.

Can you break your neck doing a rolly poly?

Break seems unlikely but certainly sprains are common. This results from putting the top of ones head down on the floor so the weight of the body is supported by the neck, which is also likely to be bent back. The correct way to do a forward roll is to put the back of the head on the floor.

How do you head bang?

To head bang, simply move your head up and down rapidly to the beat of the music. Make sure to use your neck muscles and keep the movement controlled to avoid injury. It's best to start slow and gradually increase the intensity to prevent strain on your neck.