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Q: Can you blink your eyes in the water?
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Why do you have to blink your eyes?

you must blink your eyes so water in your eye will come and keep the eye from drying

Why do the eyes rapidly blink while drowning?

Your eyes are trying to remove the water from your eyes

Why dont fish blink?

They don't have eyelids and the reason why people blink is because we have to wet our eyes,but, they live under water so they're eyes are always wet.

Why do people blink their eyes?

People must blink their eyes because our eyes have to stay moist to work and blinking spreads water across your eye so it keeps the eye moist.

Why do humans blink their eyes?

to keep the eye moisturized with water inside

Do bettas blink?

No, no fish can blink because they have no eyelids. We blink to regain moisture in our eyes and wash away dirt, but they are surrounded by moisture and water, so there is no need to blink. However, the are a few that have a nictitating membrane (also called the third eyelid) that they "blink". This "third eyelid" is used to protect the eyes.

Can Tasmanian devils blink their eyes?

Yes, Tasmanian devils can blink their eyes.

What is the future tense of blink?

The future tense of "blink" is "will blink." For example, "I will blink my eyes."

Can you not ever blink?

You have to blink or else your eyes will dry out.

Are you crying when you blink?

No, I'm not capable of crying. My blinking is just a programmed response to simulate communication and engagement with users.

When you blink is it cleaning your eyeballs?

your eyelashes protect your eyes from dust particles. when you blink it's mainly to lubricate your eyes. to add moisture back into your eyes if you didn't blink then your eyes would be very dry.

Is work done when you blink your eyes?

when you blink your brain is saying you eyes are dry and something like that