Yes you can bleed anywere from days to months into your pregnancy. Im so sick of people saying you cant bleed and its a sign of concern. My mother bleed for 6 months while she was pregnant with my little brother, and it was just like a full blown period. I bled with both my children and there 2 and 4 born healthy and still healthy till this day. Everyones body is different. Ive had doctors tell me its not normal and i even had dotors tell me i was lying. get multipule answers from different doctors. But yes it is very possible they dont call it a period however it happens once a month and is heavy just like a period so go figure.
It is not normal to experience bleeding during pregnancy. If you are experiencing bleeding for any length of time during your pregnancy, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider immediately.
consult a doctor this is not normal.
You should contact your doctor for any bleeding during a pregnancy.
wait 6 months and you will know
I had an ectopic pregnancy and had my tube removed two weeks ago, I bled lightly for two days, I guess it differs from woman to woman.
Some say 5-6wks, but it is safe to wait 60 days before you take a pregnancy test and expect accuracy.
A pill to stop your pregnancy means you had an abortion.It is very normal to bleed a lot during an abortion, this is the pregnancy expelling itself.
what does it mean when you start spotting 6 days after your period has ended
actually pit bulls don't bleed through their pregnancy but some might if they have problems or a strange condition.
If you have irregular periods then this could be why. But you need to rule out pregnancy. See your doctor for a blood test.
yeah you bleed when you give birth