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Yes, you can get pregnant while you have a UTI.

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Q: Can you become pregnant during uti infection?
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Related questions

Is it possible to become pregnant if you have UTI?

Yes, you can still get pregnant when you have a UTI.

Can you be pregnant if you have a uti?

yes you can have a uti during pregnancy

Can UTI prevent you from getting pregnant?

You can still get pregnant with a UTI. A UTI during pregnancy can raise the risk of preterm labor.

Can uti test's test if your pregnant?

UTI tests are designed to test for infection. If you want to know if you are pregnant, buy a pregnancy test or ask a doctor to test you.

Could you be a week pregnant with a uti?

Yes, you can get pregnant while you have a UTI.

Frequent peeing and an empty stomach pain like feeling what might this be?

diabetes you could have a UTI (urinary tract infection ) or if your female you could be pregnant galbladder infection or kidney infection

Are uti's contagious?

No. Urainary Tract Infection (UTI) is not contagious.

When you are pregnant is it normal to have a slight cramping for 15-30 seconds after urinating?

Cramping after urinating isn't a symptom of pregnancy, that I'm aware of. But is is a strong sign that you could have a UTI (Bladder infection). Go see your doctor to get checked for that. Antibiotics will take care if it if you do have a UTI. Yes, I'm pregnant and positive that I don't have a bladder infection and I have the same thing. Pretty much everything hurts when your pregnant.

You are 5 days overdue for your period and you now have a UTI could you be pregnant?

It is possible that pregnancy took place given the 5 days overdue. Having a UTI does not mean one is pregnant, although the risk for a UTI is increased during pregnancy. It is a matter of association, but not causality.

What are some of the problems with UTI?

uti is a problem because it is an infection! simple but effective

What is infection of the bladder called?

A UTI or Urinary Tract Infection.

Can you mistake a bladder infection for being pregnant?

I was wondering the same thing. We have been trying for 11 months and nothing :/ but this time I'm feeling really crampy like I might have a uti. Not sure if I'm prego or have a uti.