No. It takes more than one exposure to become addicted to a drug, although it is possible that one might like it so much that one becomes psychologically disposed to drink more from the beginning. Most people who use alcohol moderately (two drinks or less a day) will not become addicted at all. Those who do will find excuses why it's OK for them to drink more. Alcoholism has a genetic component, and some people who are strongly predisposed drink heavily from the start and progress to "problem drinking" rapidly. (This writer was one of those.) However, whether one is "addicted" from the beginning is highly unlikely.* Even some heavy drinkers are able to stop without difficulty, the question, of course, being whether or not they are able to stay stopped. It is also likely that prolonged alcohol abuse (drinking to intoxication) can progress to alcohol addiction even in people without the hereditary predisposition. The jury is still out on that scientifically, but strong anecdotal evidence indicates that this is the case. *Remember that the best definition of alcohol addiction (or any other) is that use is causing problems for you, but you feel you have to keep on doing it anyway. That cuts through all the denial b.s. and puts the problem where the rubber meets the road.
There will be a large cost in drugs and alcohol.
Alchohol Abuse or Addiction
This disease is widely known as Alchohalism.
Firstly do not become an alcoholic yourself. Secondly be vigilant that minors do not get access to alcohol. Thirdly try and help those who are addicted to alcohol.
Yes, you can certainly become addicted to Facebook or Twitter. Some studies even show that those social media sites are more addictive than alcohol and cigarettes.
Ethanol is the chemical in alcohol that is responsible for addiction. It acts on the brain's reward system, causing the release of dopamine and creating a sense of pleasure and relaxation that can lead to addiction over time.
Alcohol is a dependency forming substance. In moderation, you won't become dependent. In excess, you will.
none but she was addicted to alcohol
You can become addicted to any drug at any age. We have known of 12-year-old alcoholics, and the literature reports them as young as 8 years of age.
Cocaine usually creates addictions faster, if used regularly in sufficient quantities, but a person with a strong genetic predisposition for alcoholism can become addicted pretty quickly.
It means your addicted to drugs and alcohol cross addicted