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Yes. You should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr as soon as possible.

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Q: Can you be pregnant if you were 18 days late then started bleeding lightly after sex which only lasted a few hours then went away With no clots Periods 3 weeks and 3 days late?
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If she has started having periods and have sex then yes.

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No you can not have a baby as you must get your periods first to get pregnant.

What does it mean if you are having pink or red vaginal discharge?

if you havent started your periods this is what it could be. If you have started your periods and this is occurring before or after you period is about to start it could b spotting if its possible it isn't spotting i would go seek a doctors opinion answer ovulation bleeding or implantation bleeding

Can i be pregnant if my period started two weeks early?

Could be implantation bleeding. If it is your actual period then it's unlikely that you are pregnant.

Can 12 years olds get pregnant?

It depends. If you have gotten your period or have had intercourse, then yes. If not, then no.