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It is possible. But you could be fertile.

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Q: Can you be infertile if you don't get pregnant during ovulation?
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Do men lose energy during pregnant?

no, i dont think soo

Can you get pregnant if you are not ovulation?

You can't. If there's no ovulation there's no egg released for the semen to get to. NOTE: not having a positive ovulation test doesn't neccissarily mean you don't ovulate. If your hormone levels are low, your test might not be reliable.

If you decide that you don't like the pill and stop at the end of week twocan you get pregnant Even with absent ovulation normally?

Hi, Yes you can become pregnant because you stopped taking the pill. You need to use protection if you dont want to conceive.

If you are not on any birth control and dont use condoms but still dont get pregnant what could be the reason?

Having sex on days prior to or after ovulation. Male infertility. Female infertility. No reason both partners are healthy, fertile and pregnancy will happen when it happens.

When women can become pregnant?

When they wanna have a baby. duuhh! They get pregnant when its called sex... dont you know that?A woman gets pregnant when she ovulates. If her cycle is 28 days, ovulation is USUALLY around day 12-17 (The first day of bleeding is day 1) Ovulation lasts about 3 days. Ovulation predictor kits are available in drug stores and can tell her when she ovulates. a woman can get pregnant anytime she has unprotected sexa woman can get pregnant anytime she has unprotected sex

What episode of Dragon Ball Z Kai does bulma get pregnant?

we dont see her pregnant, she has trunks during the 3 years in between the trunks saga and the android saga.

Can you get pregnant 1week and 2 days after your period?

You can only get pregnant if you have ovulated and have a nice fat egg plotting sabotage on a young life. Three days after a period might be soon enough to be safe, but you need to search the internet for an ovulation calendar which will help you work out when you are most likely to be ovulating and you can make arrangements depending on whether you do or do not want to be pregnant. Phil

How do you not make a girl pregnant?

Use protection during sex Condoms are the easiest, and safest.

Can you get pregnant after being anorexic?

Most people with anorexia can have children, although some have starved themselves to the point where they are infertile. However, it is not advisable to have children unless you're in recovery.

What r the chances you are pregnant if your last day of your period was March 31 and your ovulation date was the 11 of April and youstill dont have your period on the 4th of may?

Possibly; but the question is when did you last have sex ?? I assume somewhere between the 9 & 15 April??

Do you have periods when pregnant?

No, you dont.

How is Pregnancy?

Dont get pregnant!