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I'll know shortly. I was diagnosed in March of '04, and had surgery to decompress in April of '04. Since then, I have been trying to get into the service to no avail. Finally, after fifteen MRI's, a dozen EEG's, and about 25 cotton-ball-pin-prick tests, I've healed to the point where I might be viable for service. My records are currently under review with the ANG. I'll let you know how it goes!

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Q: Can you be in the military after having Arnold chiari malformation type 1 surgery?
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Related questions

Is Arnold Chiari curable in adults?

Chiari malformation is curable by surgery.

What is an Arnold-Chiari malformation?

Arnold-Chiari malformation is a condition where the brain tissue extends into the spinal canal. This can disrupt the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, causing symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and difficulty walking. Treatment may involve surgery to relieve pressure on the brain and spinal cord.

What is the difference between an Arnold Chiari Malformation and Chiari Malformation?

An AVM is an arteriovenous malformation, so it is a malformation that connects arteries and veins, while a Chiari Malformation (more commonly referred to as an Arnold-Chiari Malformation) is one where part of the brain herniates (pushes through) the base of the skull.

What is the prognosis for persons with Arnold-Chiari I malformation?

Long-term prognosis for persons with Arnold-Chiari I malformations is excellent. Full recovery from surgery may take several months.

Why would a patient still have symptoms after having the surgery for Arnold Chiari malformation?

I think it can come back

What is Arnold-Chiari?

The Arnold-Chiari syndrome is a rare malformation of the brain. See also the link below.

How common is Arnold-Chiari malformation?

chiari affects 1 in 1,000 people.

Will having operation for Arnold chiari malformation cure the situation?

There is NO CURE for ANY type of Chiari malformation. Chiari 1 doesn't carry the same abnormal structure to the brain as Chiari 2 or 3 do. Decompression surgery might and only might help relieve some symptoms. There are a percentage of people who return to stable lifestyle, there are more who can't. again, THERE IS NO CURE for Chiari Malformation.

Arnold-Chiari malformation correlation with mood swings?


How long is the recovery time for Arnold Chiari malformation operation?


What age is Arnold-Chiari usually diagnosed?

I have done research and was told the average age of diagnoses is 27. People are known to have it from birth. Ive just found out my 9 1/2 YEAR OLD daughter has Arnold chiari malformation which she was undianoses for 5 years, at the age of 4 i noticed her having bad days that always came with vomiting , just glad we had a mri.

Is Arnold-Chiari malformation with a 7mm herniation in need of decompression surgery?

it depends on what your symptoms are. i have a 5.5 mm herniation and i am scheduled for decompression surgery on July 27, , 2010 (this Tuesday). i have scoliosis that my doctor is hoping will correct itself, and he also wishes that my herniation dooesnt get worse. my mom has a 8mm hern. and had surgery December 3 2009.