Yes. Most anorexics are not severly underweight or thin. Many may still be on the path of weight loss, starting from a healthy or even over-weight original weight.
she is anorexic. she is anorexic.
Anorexic thin
No! Anorexic thin can LITERALLY kill you!
You call them anorexic .
anorexic, stick, or gangly
Many stick insect species are thin, but that doesn't mean they are anorexic - their thin, twig-like bodies serve as camouflage against predators.
the veronicas are not anorexic. they are just naturally thin although they did lose some weight in 2008. they are not anorexic though.
No she is not anorexic because she has said 'I eat all the time' in the past and she eats a lot of fast food, she's just naturally thin.
Anorexic. (Added 4/26/2012, By aMARIKanIshtar) "Anorexic" Is actually not the proper word. Anorexic comes from the term "Anorexia nervosa", and is an eating disorder characterized by excessive food restriction and fear, irrational fear of gaining weight, and a distorted body self-perception. The term you would be looking for would be "Emaciated".
Not all models are anorexic. It is important to remember that some people are just naturally thin. But if un-naturally thin models are used or a "thin is better" idea keeps up, more people will feel the pressure to be thin. This can easily lead to a rise in eating disorders.
A very thin, emaciated cow that may be close to death.