You can get the herpes virus from a kiss on the neck if the person kissing you had an outbreak of herpes or just before the outbreak arose. The neck is a common place for herpes gladiatorum as well.
Yes, children can get herpes from a parent. Most of us get oral herpes (cold sores) from casual contact in childhood, such as a kiss from a relative.
Herpes could develop
only if they got it from a person.
he got herpes
you got herpes .
you just got herpes
yhh shes a rite mucky
How bad is the herpes - if it is genital herpes then you should really tell him now. Lighter cases of herpes (Like cold sores) don't need to be talked about ?
It is sought of up to you. when i got my first kiss i made the first move...
you instantly feel a sexual attraction to them and become one