

Best Answer

yes i will abode.........because hiv do not spread by touching........and without physical relation

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Q: Can you adopt a child if you are HIV positive?
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Can a HIV positive person adopt a baby?

yes they can adopt but they have to be careful when taking care of baby

Is HIV positive good or bad?

It is better to be HIV negative than HIV positive. An HIV positive person is infected with HIV.

If mother is HIV positivedoes her foetus also be HIV positive?

yes, because the mother will have to breastfeed her child in the process her child will obtain the virus, the virus can not be genetically transferred however

What are the safe ways of having a child with an hiv positive man with an hiv negative woman?

You need to talk to a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor) about this.

How can a child not be affected by HIV while a mother is HIV positive?

Anti-Retrovirals before birth of the child. Then just dont breast feed (although it has been assumed to be not that high a risk)

Is John Cena HIV positive?

no... he is not hiv positive..

Can an HIV positive couple produce an HIV negative baby?

No.. This is not a case of two positives make a negative. The virus would be passed on to the unborn child.

Is gabrielle union HIV positive?

yes she HIV positive

Can people who is not hIV positive can stay with hIV positive?

Yes they can.

Was John Dye HIV positive?

Joe Dye was POSITIVE...Not HIV Positive (dumbass!)

How do HIV-positive and HIV-negative differ?

HIV-positive means you are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV-negative means that you are not infected with the HIV.

Is Rupert Everett HIV positive?

is rupert everette hiv positive