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yes they can

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Q: Can wood ticks go under your skin?
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Related questions

Do tics go under dogs skin?

I have discovered spotted ticks almost completely buried under the skin.. Those things are dangerous

Do ticks go in dune sand?

no a tic is a wood life creature

What is the host of ticks?

Usually, ticks go after blood.

Riddles about why did the clock. Go to the vet?

it had ticks

Are ticks good for anything?

go to this link and find out about the good and bad of TICKS:

What you wear under your shirt?

You go naked under your skirt

Your bedroom is full of ticks please suggest you how to get rid of these ticks?

you get rid or the tics bye det out of the room get a icaterminator then ur ok do not go in ur room is caused by tics they will stick to ur skin and u might not no and then it will be hard to take off

Can a tick lay eggs inside your skin?

No, ticks mouth-parts go underneath your skin but not their egg laying parts. The nymphs (baby ticks) hatch and seek a small animal such as a lizard or mouse as a host. Occasionally, the nymph will find an unlucky human and feed on him instead.

What is the English term for hypodermic?

hypo= under Dermis= skin something that is hypodermic can go under the skin (e.g. a needle).

Can ticks detach from humans?

The ticks that detach after becoming engorged on blood go off to lay eggs.

What practice is not good for your skin?

dont go under the sun

Can ticks transfer from a dog to a human?

They can i your not careful to take them off you either need to burn them off or pick them off with a needle. The answer is yes. A tick is a tick and you are a mammal, so it doesn't matter - the ticks would like to bite either of you.