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I too suffer from intense pain behind the ears, almost like pressure, but much worse. It usually happens when I wear my glasses, but they are not heavy or tight in any way. It actually feels like my head might explode. Please help! I too suffer from intense pain behind the ears, almost like pressure, but much worse. It usually happens when I wear my glasses, but they are not heavy or tight in any way. It actually feels like my head might explode. Please help!

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Q: Can wearing glasses cause pain around the ears?
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The nasal bone is associated with wearing glasses because it holds the glasses in place.

Why do your ears feel tender after wearing glasses?

Your ears may feel tender after wearing glasses due to pressure or friction from the frames pressing against them. This can cause irritation or soreness, especially if the glasses are tight or pinching behind your ears. It's important to ensure your glasses fit properly and are adjusted for comfort to prevent this discomfort.

How likely is it for your glasses to fall of during a carnival ride?

Well, if you go on a carnival ride wearing normal glasses, there is a 92.7 chance they will fall off. For people who wear glasses that wrap around your ears fully, there is a 69.2 chance they will fall off.

Will wearing over ear headphones cause tinnitus?

If they are unplugged they will not be working. If they are not working they will not be able to cause tinnitus but you may not be able to hear what is going on around you very well... and, if they are a tight fit to your head and ears, you may soon get sore ears and/or a headache...

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If they are unplugged they will not be working. If they are not working they will not be able to cause tinnitus but you may not be able to hear what is going on around you very well... and, if they are a tight fit to your head and ears, you may soon get sore ears and/or a headache...

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"tight" glasses are rubbing my ears.

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it is sore cause it is putting power onto it

Can you were 3D glasses if you have normal glasses on?

Sure, however it will feel very uncomfortable due to all weight and limited space around your ears. You should check out LG's Cinema 3D glasses. I heard that they're the only ones that come with clip on's for prescription glasses.

Do hats cause weight loss?

No they don't, but they help to protect your face, ears and neck from the sun (if your wearing a wide brim or a bucket hat).

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Your cat may be bald around her ears due to a variety of reasons, including allergies, infections, parasites, or excessive grooming. It is best to consult with a veterinarian to determine the exact cause and appropriate treatment for your cat's baldness around her ears.

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What can you use around your house to gauge your ears to 916s?

Nothing that won't cause and infection or cause trouble with the piercing. Get proper plugs.