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Much of the content of the uterus during pregnancy is water-like amniotic fluid, in which the fetus floats.

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Q: Can water in a pregnant belly make it seem bigger?
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You will know your boxer is pregnant when her belly starts getting bigger. She shouldn't make a lot of noise to mate or to give birth.

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You can not inflate your belly to look pregnant. This is impossible.

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No but you should remove your belly piercing while pregnant . but they do make special jewelry for that . and piercers will not pierce you if you are pregnant

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There are very less chances of you getting pregnant. But never the less they are there. Sperms do not survive in plane water. They may survive is isotonic saline.

You are 4weeks pregnant is it safe or harmful to lay your laptop on your belly?

Yes, It is completely safe to do this. It does no harm to the baby. The worse it can do is make your belly warm when you lay it on your belly for too long. (:

What is the funniest thing for a pregnant woman to do while pregnant?

If you're noticeably pregnant during October, you can paint your belly orange & make it into a Jack-o-lantern.

Can you make it look like your pregnant when your not?

I'm not really sure what they are called but you can get special pads for your belly to make you look pregnant, I'm not sure where you can get them from as well. Hope that helps.

Why does your belly button hurt all time when pregnant?

This is just a guess, but I think it has something to do with your abs stretching. I'm pregnant and around my belly button hurts but I'm pretty sure it's because my abs are starting to spread to make room for my belly to grow more.

What to eat if to make your breast bigger and your belly smaller?

Eat healthy, vegetables and fruit and protein. The Ducan diet helps you lose belly fat. Do stretches, go out for a run.