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Yes, a large percentage of vaccines are for viral infections, there are not many vaccines for bacterial infections but there are a few.

The flu is caused by a virus, vaccinations against the flu work very well, for example.

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Q: Can vaccines work on viruses
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Do vaccines kill viruses or horrible diseases?

Vaccines don't kill viruses or diseases; they prevent disease before you are infected.

What is used to treat viruses?


Do vaccines work against viruses and bacteria?

No. Vaccines are not used for treatment. They are used as prevention.

What type of scientis studies viruses?

Virologists study viruses. They investigate their structure, life cycle, and interactions with host cells, as well as work on developing treatments and vaccines.

How do vaccines protect you against viruses?


How vaccines can help the body's natural defenses against the viruses?

This is how vaccines help the body's natural defenses against viruses: -because vaccines contain weak and dead viruses -this can help our immune system to recognize and adapt to it -so this will not be the problem for it if later on this type of viruses threat us Hope this help Vipha

What are vaccines for influenza made from parts or products of a virus dead whole viruses antibodies to the virus weakened viruses?

What are vaccines for influenza made from?parts or products of a virusdead, whole virusesantibodies to the virusweakened viruses

What are substances made from dead viruses?

Vaccines for the prevention of the specific viral infection can be made with inactive "dead" viruses. They are also made with live, but attenuated (weakened), viruses. See more below about vaccines.

Which are the diseases for which vaccines are not discovered?

Currently, all vaccines on the market today only exist for diseases caused by viruses- though not all diseases caused by viruses have a corresponding vaccine. Notably, the common cold (rhinoviruses) and AIDS (HIV) have no vaccines.

Why do vaccines have to be changed every year?

Because certain viruses and bacteria evolve to become resistant to the old vaccines.

Can you Explain the live virus in vaccines?

Vaccines are small amounts of live viruses injected into the body. These viruses teach the body's immune system how to fight off the disease. Correction: Some viruses are live. Some are weakened, most flu vaccines are dead viruses, not live, although the nasal mist is a live, weakened virus. Please make sure your answers are correct.

Is there a vaccination for schizophrenia?

We don't know enough about the origins of schizophrenia to be able to develop a vaccine for it. Also, vaccines only work on viruses, and though there is evidence that schizophrenia may be caused by viruses, schizophrenia itself is not a virus.