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Yes due to hormones present or not

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Q: Can urine test determine sexuality
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Is there urine in cigarettes?

The main thing to test for in urine tests to determine smoking is nicotine.

Can a blood test determine a urinary tract infection?

Nope you have to have the doctor has to test the urine.

What tests can be undertaken to determine if you are pregnante?

Urine test with a home pregnancy test, and a blood test that the dr will do.

Can you determine the amount of vicodin someone takes with a urine test?


What is a urine test?

A test using a small, chemically treated strip that is dipped into a urine sample; when testing for protein, an area on the strip changes color depending on the amount of protein (if any) in the urine.

How is porphyria diagnosed?

Urine test, blood plasma tests, biochemical tests to determine type of porphyria, enzyme test.

Is an EGT test a urine or blood test?

urine test

What is leuko est?

Leuko Est is an abbreviation used for leukocyte esterase urine test. This test is used to determine if an individual has specific types of infections.

What is a urine culture test?

In a urine culture, the lab puts a sampe of urine in conditions likely to grow the typical germs that cause urinary tract infections. If they get some to grow, they identify the bacteria in the urine.

What does drug screen abuse urine ethanol mean?

"Drug screen abuse urine ethanol" typically refers to testing urine samples for the presence of ethanol, which is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. This type of screening is commonly used to determine whether a person has been consuming alcohol, which may be important for various reasons such as assessing sobriety or compliance with abstinence requirements.

What is galli-mainini test?

It is a "classic" test to determine if someone is pregnant or not. It is done by injecting subcutaneously the woman's urine to the frog, and after few hours, checking the frog's own urine. If the forg's urine contain sperms, the woman is pregnant. It is because the pregnant woman's urine contain hCG, a hormone that is made by placenta.

Who should you ask to help you find out if you are pregnant?

You should buy a urine test to determine pregnancy or wait for a missed period.