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If you're thinking about becoming pregnant, or you are pregnant, you can continue to take daily thyroid medication as prescribed by your doctor to treat hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It's important for pregnant women with a thyroid condition to take their medication as prescribed, and to have her hormone levels monitored because thyroid conditions can increase the chance for miscarriage, preterm delivery, gestational hypertension, eclampsia, and decreased IQ in the baby.

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Q: Can thyroid medicine effect babies
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What does it mean when your thyroid is dying?

you can get sick from not taking your thyroid medicine but you cant die from it.

What is the medical term for nuclear medicine test that measures thyroid function is?

The thyroid scan and a radioactive iodine uptake test (RAIU), also known as a thyroid uptake, are types of nuclear medicine imaging.

Can your thyroid start working again after taking thyroid medicine for 10 yrs?

very unlikely

What is the effect of thyroid hormones on cells?

The effect of thyroid hormones on the cells of the body is regulation of metabolism of those cells.

Can I have a very low blood pressure after my thyroid gland was removed if I don't take synthetic thyroid medicine?


What is the effect of TSH on the thyriodectomized rats metabolic rate?

None. TSH is a signal fo rthe thyroid to make and release more thyroid hormone. If the thyroid is removed TSH wil have no effect.

What is the consequences of taking hyperthyroidism medicine without surgery or removal of the thyroid gland?

HypERthryoid patients can often be maintained for years on anti-thyroid medicine (ATD's) when dosed correctly by a knowledgeable thyroid specialist (endocrinologist who specializes in thyroid patients). However, liver values must be watched regularly to be sure liver function is not compromised.

What other names are there for a thyroid nuclear medicine scan?

may also be referred to as a thyroid scintiscan. The name of the radioactive substance used may be incorporated and the study called a technetium thyroid scan or an iodine thyroid scan.

The gland responsible for the calorigenic effect is the?

Thyroid gland is responsible for the calorigenic effect as it produces hormones that regulate metabolism, increase heat production, and ultimately affect the body's energy expenditure.

Why would TSH have no effect on the metbolic rate of the thyroidectomized rat?

The only effect of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is to stimulate the thyroid gland tissue to produce thyroxine. If there is no longer a thyroid gland to stimulate, the TSH is produced in great abundance, but with no effect.

Are babies allowed Ibuprofen medicine?

check on the packaging, probably not if its an adult medicine, ask at the pharmacy if they have any ibuprofen suitable for babies

Who should not have a thyroid nuclear medicine test?

Women who are pregnant should not have this test.