

Best Answer

Most definitely !

Especially if . . .

-- the body doesn't get enough rest during the night.

-- the body doesn't get enough exercise over the long run.

-- the body is overweight.

-- the body is engaged in a very strenuous or a very boring job.

-- the body is given inadequate nutrition between waking and 1 PM.

-- the body is in the routine habit of napping between 1 and 4 PM.

-- the body is given a large mid-day meal.

-- the body is given a mid-day meal which, while of modest proportion and weight,

nevertheless includes a humongous glycemic load. The result of that may well be

a few hours of walking on the ceiling, followed by a sudden and mysterious longing

for unconsciousness.

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Q: Can the body often naturally seeks rest in the afternoon between 1 and 4 pm?
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