Babies can detect changes in their mother's body as early as the first trimester of pregnancy.
Nausea during pregnancy is caused by changes in the hormone levels in the body during the early stages of pregnancy. It usually happens early on in the pregnancy.
Yes. The only reason your body is producing colostrum is because of the pregnancy hormone
cw: The female body readies itself for pregnancy. If no pregnancy, the body dumps the readied tissue and starts over again. It's a fast way to get ready for pregnancy. Some species (as I recall) absorb the tissues and recycle at a slower rate.
If you mean "miscarriage", it is when the baby dies and is expelled from the body, usually early on in the pregnancy.
In early stages of pregnancy your hormones are going crazy, it is possible to feel softer down there with the change in your body, or it is all in your head.
No, pregnancy symptoms don't start that early. No, pregnancy symptoms don't start that early. They don't start until you are about about 6-8weeks or more sometimes even later, but not that early, your body hasn't had time to start changing yet.
A doe rabbit can absorb her kits at any stage of pregnancy, usually due to stress or health issues. If your rabbit has milk but no signs of babies, it could be a false pregnancy. A vet check is recommended to rule out any underlying health concerns.
Frequent urination can be an early symptom of pregnancy, but a UTI isnt' an early pregnancy sign.
They are important because they are the one who is responsible for ripening of the egg,for the development of female characteristics of a female body,and for supporting early pregnancy.
early pregnancy, none