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Many people came up with what they thought were cures to the plague and some worked for them. One woman had the disease and took a drink of what she thought was milk but turned out to be fat. She recovered. Most died when they caught the disease though. You had to have an immunity to not catch the disease. One woman was immune to the disease but her family was not so she buried her 6 children and husband.

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16y ago
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14y ago

The Plague could have been avoided if Europeans took these precautions:

* Controlled rodent numbers

* Had a more sanitary lifestyle

* Not built buildings so close together

* Have a better sewerage system


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12y ago

The Black Death that occurred in the Medieval period simply died out. The survivors or those that didn't become infected may have had some sort of immunity.

It didn't completely stop because there were periodic outbreaks after the original large scale plague.

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12y ago

No, similar to chicken pox, the average human will contract it at least once. You will develop some immunity, but it is still possible to contract the black or Bubonic Plague again. It is a powerful disease, and it is important to try to contract it as early as possible in order to develop that immunity.

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14y ago

back in the day it was not avoidable because there was no cure for it and no one really knew about medicine but now it is

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12y ago

The fleas on the mice and rats spread the plague. If they got rid of the mice or didn't live so close together then that would have helped with the plague.

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Black Death was spread due to dead rats and dead bodies. Cleaning them prevented Plague spread as there are no fleas.

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Another name for the plague is the black death

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The Black Plague is a infectious disease.

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That fateful year saw the world's population enduring what is believed to be a recurrence of the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death or the Black Plague. It is further widely believed that the Black Death was responsible for the deaths of 38,000 Londoners that year.

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The common name for bubonic plague is the Black Death.

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The black plague

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The black plague. The plague was transferred by rats.

What was the dangers in the medieval times?

It is the Black Death. (Black Plague, or Bubonic Plague)

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Plague, Yersinia pestis, bubonic plague, black plague, black death, fleas, rats, middle ages.

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The black plague claimed millions of lives.We believe the black plague was caused by the fleas that rats carried, aided by poor sanitation.