stress= force/C.S.A. so fracture stress = force at fracture / Cross.Sectional.Area.
What are the three other names for a stress fracture?
The overuse of a bone can cause a stress fracture.
Stress fracture in ArmA stress fracture within the arm will most likely result in a cast or a removable splint.Stress fracture in LegA stress fracture within the leg will usually result in a walking boot and crutches if it is extremely painful.
The symptoms of a stress fracture include swelling, pain, and tenderness. If the pain decreases with rest, but increases with use it is possible there is a stress fracture.
Yes I have: broken thumb, dislocated shoulder, L-5 vertebrae stress fracture, fractured growth plate in heel, dislocated elbow, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, broken nose
Fracture acute
The overuse of a bone
You might be thinking of a stress fracture; a fracture of a bone caused by repeated (rather than sudden) mechanical stress.
Fracture and/or stress fracture. Stress Fracture implies that it is just a crack in the bone, whereas a fracture implies a complete breakage or separation of the bone.
Fracture is the breaking of a crystal under stress.
A Stress fracture