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No, if you need anything stronger than Tylenol (used once in awhile and not regularly) you need to speak to your doctor.

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Q: Can taking fioricet during pregnancy cause birth defects?
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Yes!! Do not take steroids or alcohol at ALL DURING A PREGNANCY!!! dont do drugs ===ANOTHER ANSWER=== DRINKING alcohol during pregnancy can cause your child to be born with FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME. An FAS baby has multiple problems, including birth defects and learning disabilities. For your BABY not to have life long problems, PLEASE DO NOT DRINK or take drugs during any stage of your pregnancy.

How can encephaloceles be prevented?

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How is heart defect tied with genetics?

Heart defects tend to run in families. So, a medical history is important. However, there are many other causes of heart defects - such as smoking, drinking, hot tubing, taking drugs/medicines during pregnancy. There are also many unknown causes of heart defects. More research is needed to discover these unknown causes.

Which depression drugs have been recalled?

"Many depression dugs have been recalled due to the discovery that taking them during pregnancy can cause birth defects to your unborn baby. Some that have been recalled are Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft."