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Q: Can sunflower seeds cause kidney stones?
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Can eating a lot of sunflower seeds give you stones?

Kidney / bladder stones are caused by a buildup of calcium and is usually linked to an underlying kidney condition. Sunflower seeds are not a particularly large source of calcium, at least compared to most other seeds or leafy vegetables, and are unlikely to contribute significantly to stone formation.

can sunflower seeds cause you to fail a drug test on ecstasy?

No. Sunflower seeds is not a drug.

Do sunflower seeds come from sunflower?

Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds.

Are sunflower seeds an airborne allergy?

sunflower seeds may cause an allergy if eaten but they are not an airborne allergy however sunflower pollen may cause an airbourne allergy

Do sunflower seeds germinate?

In order to germinate sunflower seeds hull them. This will cause them to germinate more quickly. Put the seeds in a jar with water and they will germinate.

How do sunflowers make seeds?

Vitamin C, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, etc.

What comes from a sunflower?

Sunflower seeds; these seeds are edible

Is sunflower seeds fattening?

Sunflower seeds are calorie-dense. If you eat the kernels without the hulls as a snack, it's easy to eat too many calories. It's better to limit them to a handful per day, or to sprinkle them on your cereal or salad. Salt does not cause body fat, but it can cause water retention.

What important product can you get from the seeds of a sunflower?

you can get sunflower seeds

When were sunflower seeds invented?

They were never "invented". Sunflower seeds are just that, sunflower seeds. Seeds that contain the genetic makeup up sunflowers that will then germinate in the soil to become a sunflower which will make more sunflower seeds. The question "When did people begin eating sunflower seeds?" is another topic

Sunflower seeds cause gallbladder?

a lot of people believe so yes

Why does eating sunflower seeds and yogurt with granola cause farting?

It's magic.