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* Possible, but not likely. A miscarriage is usually caused by either a chromosomal abnormality or a blunt-force trauma to the pelvic area. Stress can cause a baby to be unusually small or have other health problems though. * Stress is absolutely not a cause of miscarriage. That could stress a lot of women out unnecessarily!

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Pete Williamson

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Q: Can stress cause miscarriages
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Can depression cause a miscarriage?

No, it is commonly said, but it isn't true that emotional disturbances, depression, frights or stress can cause miscarriages. They are not a factor.

What are most common things that cause miscarriages?

That the embryo is not viable. Most miscarriages takes place in the first trimester.

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No. jumping does not cause miscarriage.

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Besides stress what can go medicaly wrong that may cause a miscarriage?

So many things can cause or contribute to a miscarriage. Most of the time, miscarriages are caused by some type of fetal abnormality, where the fetus isn't developing properly. Many women, however, experience a miscarriage and then go on to have healthy pregnancies afterward. Miscarriages can also be caused by something going haywire in the mother's body, for example with the immune system or the uterus. Sometimes miscarriages even run in a family. Diet is also increasingly being looked at as a contributing factor to miscarriages. Most recently, caffeine consumption was linked to an increased risk for miscarriage as can certain over-the-counter herbal prepations. If you have had a miscarriage or if miscarriages run in your family, doctors can test to find out what may be the cause and take precautions for future pregnancies. Most of the time though miscarriages are an isolated event. Also, if you drink to much or something like smoke, it can cause miscarriages, underdevelopment, or deformation.

What is a cause of over half of miscarriages?

In over half of all miscarriages, the fetus is abnormal. The abnormality can either be genetic or developmental.

What minerals in water can cause miscarriages?

Mineral water don't cause miscarriage.

Does stress cause non pregnancy?

Stress can cause your body to not become pregnant because it is not in the best condition and is not performing at the level that it should to maintain a pregnancy also stress can cause miscarriages so take time to destress and then try conceiving again and don't stress about having a baby because the more you think about it the less likely it is to happen remember sex is half the fun so enjoy trying hope everything works out for you Good Luck and God Bless!!!

Can dong quai cause a miscarriage?

yes it can, it can cause miscarriages when taken with vitamin c

Can cinnamon tea cause miscarriage?

Cinnamon tea has not been reported to cause miscarriages.

Does vinigar cause miscarriages?

No, vinegar is safe during pregnancy.

Can drinking a hot Malta and aspirin cause miscarriages?

No, but a metal hanger will!