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No you probably have cancer, I give you 2 months tops.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The cramp in your stomach is basically an alarm that your period will come up.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

When a persons lower back hurts it can mean a few things. It could mean that you are about to start your period or it could mean that you have UTI.

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Q: Can stomach pains be a sign of a period?
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Does your period give you stomach pains?

Yes, it can. I have stomach pains from my period. I think it gets worse after heavy blood. life sucks

Is a tight feeling in your stomach and sharp pains in your pelvic area as well as sensitive stomach to smells an early sign of pregnancy?

Sensitive to smells is a definite sign of pregnancy. Craps and pains could be pregnancy, but could also be your period. Take a test to be sure.

Is stomach pains a sign of Pregnancy?

not always.

What does it mean if you had a short period and you now have stomach pains?

You are not pregnant. The pains could be caused by something you ate, etc.

Where do you get period pains?

A little under your stomach by your bellybutton

Does stomach pains mean a girl is pregnant?

No, but it might mean that she has a stomach virus, or she is starting her period.

What are the symptoms for having your period?

sometimes you may experience breast sorness, vaginal pains, stomach pains, lower back pains and few others.

You had stomach pains for two days then lots of blood what does this mean?

You are having a period

Tender breast and sharp pains in stomach while on period?

Tender breasts and sharp pains are part of pre-menstrual syndrome. It can happen before and during your period.

You havent a pregnancy test yet And your period is supposed to be a week or two away But are pains in the stomach a sign of pregnancy?

For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Some women do have cramping and spotting when the embryo implants into the uterine wall a week or two out.

What should you do when you tell a guy you have your period?

say you have cramps or stomach pains. they will know what it means

Is a fever and pains on both sides of the stomach a sign of pregnancy?

No. But if you are experiencing them you should probably see a doctor.